sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015
Gina talks :D
Hey! Queridos e horripilantes assombrados daqui é a vossa querida e vampirástica Gina, infelizmente a Boas não pode estar presente, mas prometo-vos que em breve faremos um outro video juntas, isto é se tivermos oportunidade...
Estamos no Verão e infelizmente isso significa SOL, a coisa que eu mais odeio em todo o universo... SOL!!! E vocês queridos assombrados, gostam do sol tanto como eu ou são como a Boas amantes do SOL??
Bem... adorava saber como foram as vossas horripilantes Férias... Se passaram por aqui na Transilvânia ou se decidiram aventurar-se na praia o verão todo...?
Escrevam-me as vossas histórias de verão, até mesmo romances, ou coisas embaraçosas, para: asombragb@gmail.com
Ficarei à espera queridos assombrados, adeus e que tenham um dia terrorífico :p
Hey! Dears and creepy haunted and here's your darling Gina, unfortunately the Good cannot be present, but I promise you that soon we will do another video together, i.e. If we have a chance...
We are in the summer and unfortunately this means SUN, the thing I hate most in the whole universe. SUN!!! And you Dear haunted, like the Sun as much as I do or are as good lovers of the Sun??
Well ... I'd love to know how were your Holidays horrifying ... Have passed by here in Transylvania or if decided to venture out on the beach all summer ...?
Write me your stories of summer, even , or embarrassing things, to:
Will wait dear haunted, goodbye and have a terrifying day :p

Entretanto adoraríamos que nos contassem como correram as vossas férias se é que tiveram... Se não tiveram, olha viveram assombrados para o resto da vida... MUAHAHAHA!!! Nós adoramo-vos queridos assombrados ;)

Hey! Dear haunted, sorry for the absence, there were lots of terrifying things, on our vacation, between one photograph skulls in a freezer... But fortunately everything went well, except for the part that we could be at this very moment frozen there and that no one would miss us... But it is the life of two creatures, not too normal, but ok ...
However we would love to tell us how was your vacation if you know what they had ... If you did not look lived haunted for the rest of your life. MUAHAHAHA! We love you Dear haunted ;)
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