Em 2003, no nordeste dos Estados Unidos, houve um incidente envolvendo uma criatura aparentemente humana, que atraiu muita atenção da mídia local. Depois que a história veio à tona, a maioria dos documentos online e escritos foram misteriosamente destruídos. Mas os boatos sobre a criatura não sessaram e muitos ainda disseram ter visto um ser bizarro durante a noite, nas casas daquela região.
O problema foi tão sérios que especialistas de várias áreas do conhecimento começaram a estudar as pistas do tal humanoide e, em 2006, acabaram fazendo uma descoberta terrível. Conforme uma dezena de documentos que encontraram, pessoas relatavam encontros medonhos com o tal ser, mencionado nos escritos como “Rake”.
Dentre todos os relatos, a história mais chocante foi a de uma mulher, que relatou ter acordado no meio da noite e, como havia despertado seu marido também, pediu desculpas por ter se virado com tanta força na cama. Acontece, no entanto, que ao se virar, o homem praticamente congelou e imediatamente arrastou sua mulher para o chão. Isso porque, ao pé da cama do casal, sentado de costas, estava a tal criatura, descrita como meio homem, meio cão, completamente sem pelos.
Não houve tempo de fugir ou reagir ao ataque do Rack, que arranhou o rosto do homem em um gesto rápido. Assustado, o casal correu para o quarto da filha, que já estava completamente mutilada e dando os últimos suspiros. As últimas palavras da garota foram: “Ele é o Rake”.
In 2003, in the northeast of the United States, there was an incident involving a seemingly human creature, which attracted much local media attention. After the story came out, most of the online documents and writings were mysteriously destroyed. But rumors about the creature sessaram and many still said they saw a bizarre overnight, the homes in that region.
The problem was so serious that experts from various areas of knowledge began to study the clues of such humanoid and, in 2006, ended up making a terrible discovery. As a dozen documents they found, people reported dire encounters with such a being, mentioned in writings as "Rake".
Among all the reports, the most shocking was the story of a woman reported waking up in the middle of the night and, as her husband had awakened, also apologized for having turned so hard in bed. Turns out, however, that to turn around, the man nearly froze and immediately dragged his wife to the ground. That's because, at the foot of the bed, sitting on his back, was such a creature, described as half man, half dog, completely hairless.
There was no time to escape or react to the attack of the Rack, which scratched the man's face in one quick gesture. Scared, the couple went to the daughter's room, which was already completely mangled and giving the last sighs. Girl's last words were: "He is the Rake".
The problem was so serious that experts from various areas of knowledge began to study the clues of such humanoid and, in 2006, ended up making a terrible discovery. As a dozen documents they found, people reported dire encounters with such a being, mentioned in writings as "Rake".
Among all the reports, the most shocking was the story of a woman reported waking up in the middle of the night and, as her husband had awakened, also apologized for having turned so hard in bed. Turns out, however, that to turn around, the man nearly froze and immediately dragged his wife to the ground. That's because, at the foot of the bed, sitting on his back, was such a creature, described as half man, half dog, completely hairless.
There was no time to escape or react to the attack of the Rack, which scratched the man's face in one quick gesture. Scared, the couple went to the daughter's room, which was already completely mangled and giving the last sighs. Girl's last words were: "He is the Rake".
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