O condenado seria amarrado dentro de uma banheira de madeira cheia de água, com apenas a cabeça de fora.
A vítima era alimentada regularmente e com passar do tempo iria acabar
nadando em seus excrementos. Depois de alguns dias, o condenado estaria
incapaz de continuar vivo devido à enorme quantidade de moscas e vermes
que alimentavam-se de seu corpo.
The condemned would be tied inside a wooden bathtub full of water, with only his head out. The victim was fed regularly and with passage of time would stop swimming in their droppings. After a few days, the condemned would be unable to continue living because of the huge amount of flies and worms that were fed his body.
Sabiam disto caros Assombrados?
Do know this dear dazed?
The condemned would be tied inside a wooden bathtub full of water, with only his head out. The victim was fed regularly and with passage of time would stop swimming in their droppings. After a few days, the condemned would be unable to continue living because of the huge amount of flies and worms that were fed his body.
Sabiam disto caros Assombrados?
Do know this dear dazed?
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