Ele foi preso em seguida. De acordo com testemunhas, Sagawa gritou “Eu a matei para comer sua carne!”, durante a busca em sua casa, onde partes de Renne ainda estavam geladeira.
Sagawa foi considerado doente mental, o que gerou inimputabilidade penal e sua internação em Paris. Seu confinamento não durou muito, já que o governo francês decidiu deportá-lo para sua terra natal. No Japão Sagawa foi novamente internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica, mas no dia 12 de agosto de 1986, devido a uma série de brechas na lei pelo fato do crime ter ocorrido em outro país, ele foi solto e segue em liberdade até hoje.
On 13 June 1981, a graduate student Japanese called Issei Sagawa went to the Bois de Boulogne Park in Paris carrying two bags. Their contents, to the dismay of the person found, were the remains of his classmates Renée Hartevelt. Sagawa was killed three days before and ate parts of his body.
He was arrested then. According to witnesses, Sagawa screamed "I killed her to eat your meat!", during the search in your home where Renne parts were still the fridge.
Sagawa was considered mentally ill, could criminal and his hospitalization in Paris. His confinement did not last long, since the French Government decided to deport him to his homeland. In Japan Sagawa was again hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, but the day August 12 1986, due to a number of loopholes in the law because the crime occurred in another country, he was released and follows in freedom until today.
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