Suas mãos eram
muito reais, ele tinha uma boca muito expressiva e era muito diferente
de um boneco de ventríloquo comum. Edgar era mais alto, e seus olhos,
embora fossem de uma boneca de madeira, refletiam um vazio estranho e
até mesmo assustador.
McCarthy nunca deixou ninguém chegar perto de Edgar. Muitos acreditavam
que a boneca falava sem mover os lábios por causa de feitiçaria e sua
fama era por conta de uma possível influência demoníaca. A situação
chegou a tal ponto que muitos pais proibiram seus filhos de frequentarem
seus shows. Uma noite, em uma turnê por Nova York, alguém bateu na porta do quarto
de McCarthy, no entanto ninguém respondeu. Preocupados com a situação, a
polícia foi chamada para verificar o lugar. Ao entrarem no local, foi
encontrado o ventríloquo morto por diversas facadas, com o pescoço
quebrado e com os olhos arrancados, ao seu lado havia um bau fechado. No seu interior eles encontraram o boneco Edgar, o que provocou
calafrios estranhos nos policiais. Ao examinarem o boneco de perto, eles
perceberam que não se tratava de um boneco e sim de um menino de
verdade. Ou pelo menos seu corpo, com uma máscara de látex horrível,
cobrindo seu pequeno e pálido rosto. Nunca se soube quem matou McCarthy, ou qual era a identidade verdadeira
da criança, nem como ele manteve um corpo em perfeito estado durante
vários meses. Seja qual for a verdadeira identidade da criança, devemos reconhecer que este é um caso verdadeiramente assustador e doentio.
In late 1920, the ventriloquism became a very important show that filled the halls of the main theaters of the United States. Among all the ventriloquists of that time, there was one in particular that, while saying that his show wasn't the best, managed to become famous in no time. His name was McCarthy, a ventriloquist whose act was quite simple, but could surprise everyone who saw it. He used a single doll throughout his act: Edgar, a doll depicting a chubby boy between 9 and 10 years old, but with some very strange characteristics that arrested the attention of the public.
His hands were very real, he had an expressive mouth and was very different from a ventriloquist's dummy common. Edgar was taller, and its eyes, although they were of a wooden doll, reflected an empty strange and even frightening.
McCarthy never let anyone get close to Edgar. Many believed that the doll was talking without moving your lips because of witchcraft and his fame was due to a possible demonic influence. The situation has reached the point that many parents forbade their children from attending their shows. One night, on a tour through New York, someone knocked on the door of the room of McCarthy, however no one answered. Concerned about the situation, police were called to verify the place. To enter the site, was found the ventriloquist killed by several stab wounds, with a broken neck and his eyes gouged out, beside there was a bau closed. Inside they found the doll Edgar, which caused chills strangers in cops. To examine the doll up close, they realized that this was not a puppet but a real boy. Or at least your body, with a gruesome LaTeX mask, covering her small and pale face. It was never known who killed McCarthy, or what was the true identity of the child, even as he kept a body in perfect condition for several months. Whatever the true identity of the child, we must recognize that this is a truly scary and unhealthy.
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